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Dave Skells Traffic Management

Community Safety Accreditation Schemes are made possible through the Police Reform Act 2002 and aim to improve standards and promote co-operation between the police and their partners. Accredited persons are granted limited, targeted powers appropriate to their role and which meet local needs and priorities, working with the Police on temporary road closures meaning improved information sharing between the police and accredited organisations will help co-ordinate visible patrols and direct resources effectively.
National Highways Sector Schemes (NHSS) are bespoke quality management systems for organisations working on the UK road network. They are based on the ISO9001:2008 standards. There are currently more than 20 individual schemes. They cover activities ranging from fencing, landscaping and vehicle safety restraints to road surfacing and marking, and traffic management. Our scheme is 12D - Temporary traffic management on rural and urban roads and dual carriageways.

CHAS is a health and safety accreditation scheme for the construction & roadworks industry, and often acts as a type of pre-qualification during the tender process.
The purpose of CHAS is to help both buyers and suppliers in the assessment of health and safety competency.
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