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Dave Skells Traffic Management
Temporary Traffic Restrictions for Events
Events affecting the highway
Event organisers must register all public and private events which may impact upon the use of the highway.
Examples of such events include but are not limited to carnivals, street markets, marches, fairs, festivals, triathlons, road races, and cycle events.
This includes any event which may:
Require you to apply for temporary traffic restrictions
Affect the safety of pedestrians and other road users
Increase on-street parking
Restrict access for emergency vehicles
Affect planned highways works
Any increased traffic flows in the area due to the event
Dave Skells Traffic Management will work closely with event organisers to minimise disruption and ensure safety. If a temporary road closure is required, the organiser must give the council a minimum of 13 weeks' notice (with the exception of street parties). It is advisable to contact DSTMLtd in advance of this time to compile schedules and CAD drawings for submission.